In Features Posted

What are QR Codes?

I’m sure you’ve seen normal barcodes when you’re shopping. I mean those that look like this one: These codes have been used for a long time, and they work great. You can just point at the barcode with a scanner and you get the product name, price, availability, and more. But there’s a problem with […]
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In Features, QR Droid Posted

QR Droid Private

QR Droid has a “little brother” called QR Droid Private. It has a couple less features and, in return, it requires a couple less permissions, as shown here: Of course, we warranty all permissions are used exclusively to offer you great features, and no data ever leaves your device. Read a full comparison between QR […]
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In QR Droid, Release Posted

QR Droid v3.4 released!

QR Droid v3.4 has been released! What’s new: Create a shortcut in your Home screen pointing to any QR Code you’ve created or scanned Share your contact-card optically with one single click! (literally). Just create a shortcut for your QR Code to be shared. Click here to read a step-by-step guide. Save or send your […]
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