Create color QR Codes


Now, you can create your own colorful QR Code right from your Android device! Just follow these steps:

  • Open QR Droid (version 3.7 or greater) and select any option under “Generate.” For example, let’s choose Application
  • Select the application you want to share and press the top-right button to create your QR Code

  • Click this icon: A dialog box will come up.  Just choose any color you want. Your QR Code will be updated with that color!

  • Now you can save your image, share it or copy its URL. Your QR Code will be displayed in your chosen color!


  • To make your QR Codes compatible with all readers, they must be as dark as possible
  • The Google Chart API does not support color QR Codes; because of that make sure you choose “” when copying or sharing color QR Codes

For the best QR Code scanner, reader and generator for Android, download QR Droid:

Showing 4 comments

  • William Herron

    Creating color QR Codes works fine. Once a color is chosen it is used for all following QR Codes until a new color is chosen.
    Once a color QR Code is used, I do not see a way to produce a Black QR Code.
    Can anyone help?

    • DroidLa

      William, just click the “Color” button and drag selected color to bottom-left. That’s the faster way to select “Black” again, no matter which color you selected before.

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